open-discussion > RE: I need the fMRI dataset for children w/autism
Apr 6, 2017  10:04 PM | David Kennedy
RE: I need the fMRI dataset for children w/autism
There should be some instructions on the F1000/INDI web pages, but in
short, you need to register with the F1000 project, after which you will
get access to their various releases. I am not in front of a computer right
now, but can try to send more detailed instructions later, if it's not
clear from their instructions.

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Arturo Téllez-Velázquez Apr 6, 2017
Arturo Téllez-Velázquez Apr 6, 2017
Arturo Téllez-Velázquez Apr 6, 2017
RE: I need the fMRI dataset for children w/autism
David Kennedy Apr 6, 2017
Faizan Badami Apr 6, 2017
David Kennedy Apr 6, 2017
yacila Apr 6, 2017