questions > RE: Multi-shell DTI dcm2niix
Apr 28, 2017  12:04 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Multi-shell DTI dcm2niix
Please note that this is a clear violation of the DICOM standard: Philips MUST NOT include derived images in the same series as the raw data. They are a professional company and you should contact them and ask them to stand behind their conformance statement. I do not have a Philips system, so I can not replicate your problem, but if you send my personal email a link to a sample image, I might be able to come up with a simple solution. By the way, I would also consider increasing the number of B=0 volumes in your acquisition (or acquire a separate series of B=0 images):

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Jenifer Juranek Apr 28, 2017
RE: Multi-shell DTI dcm2niix
Chris Rorden Apr 28, 2017
Chris Rorden May 2, 2017