help > RE: modifying PPPIv13 for SPM12
Jul 20, 2018 01:07 AM | Donald McLaren
RE: modifying PPPIv13 for SPM12
Make sure PPPI.m contains the
if ~strcmp(spm('Ver'),'SPM8') && ~strncmpi(spm('Ver'),'SPM12',5)
disp(' You must use SPM8/SPM12 to process your data; however, you can use SPM.mat files')
disp(' generated with SPM2 or SPM5. In these cases, simply specify the option SPMver')
disp(' in single qoutes followed by a comma and the version number.')
disp(' ')
disp('Make sure to add SPM8 to your MATLAB path before re-running.')
Originally posted by Arianna Gard:
if ~strcmp(spm('Ver'),'SPM8') && ~strncmpi(spm('Ver'),'SPM12',5)
disp(' You must use SPM8/SPM12 to process your data; however, you can use SPM.mat files')
disp(' generated with SPM2 or SPM5. In these cases, simply specify the option SPMver')
disp(' in single qoutes followed by a comma and the version number.')
disp(' ')
disp('Make sure to add SPM8 to your MATLAB path before re-running.')
Originally posted by Arianna Gard:
I am trying to use the PPPIv13 package to estimate gPPI models using SPM12. I previously did this with SPM8. I specified to SPM version using 'P.SPMver = 12;', but I am getting the following error:
You must use SPM8 to process your data; however, you can use SPM.mat files
generated with SPM2 or SPM5. In these cases, simply specify the option SPMver
in single qoutes followed by a comma and the version number.
Is there something else I need to do to use the PPPI package in SPM12?
Any and all advice would be great! I haven't found any specific posts on this issue.
Thank you in advance,
I am trying to use the PPPIv13 package to estimate gPPI models using SPM12. I previously did this with SPM8. I specified to SPM version using 'P.SPMver = 12;', but I am getting the following error:
You must use SPM8 to process your data; however, you can use SPM.mat files
generated with SPM2 or SPM5. In these cases, simply specify the option SPMver
in single qoutes followed by a comma and the version number.
Is there something else I need to do to use the PPPI package in SPM12?
Any and all advice would be great! I haven't found any specific posts on this issue.
Thank you in advance,
Threaded View
Title | Author | Date |
Arianna Gard | Apr 25, 2018 | |
Donald McLaren | Jul 20, 2018 | |