open-discussion > RE: How to export segmentation structure created from BraTumIA?
Oct 25, 2018  05:10 PM | pedroborges - University of São Paulo - Brazil
RE: How to export segmentation structure created from BraTumIA?
Thanks for your attention! But I have other doubt: how can I load external images from others patients which aren't in the BraTumIA "data folder"? Should I have the template images from them, or there is an easier way to do this?

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pedroborges Oct 24, 2018
RE: How to export segmentation structure created from BraTumIA?
pedroborges Oct 25, 2018
Mauricio Reyes Oct 25, 2018
pedroborges Oct 25, 2018
Mauricio Reyes Oct 26, 2018
Mauricio Reyes Oct 24, 2018