open-discussion > RE: a tip for matlab error in csh/tcsh envirn
Jun 19, 2019  11:06 AM | davidb
RE: a tip for matlab error in csh/tcsh envirn

Would it be possible to know what exactly should be added to the file without modifying the .bashrc file so that the program can use matlab?

Many thanks for your help



Originally posted by Wanyong Shin:
Thanks, Hang Joon.

You can modify to modify path and "MATLABLINE" 


Originally posted by Hang Joon Jo:
I have no idea whether it's discussed before.

If you run pestica in csh/tcsh environment, "no matlab command" error might be shown up in particular systems.

I found a workaround in that case - "Add matlab path and alias in .bashrc" even you don't use bash. In my case:

export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
alias matlab='/Applications/ -nodesktop'

Hope this help.

- H

Threaded View

Hang Joon Jo Jun 26, 2017
Wanyong Shin Jun 26, 2017
RE: a tip for matlab error in csh/tcsh envirn
davidb Jun 19, 2019