open-discussion > question about the hippocampus subfield segmentation by freesurfer
Nov 6, 2019  04:11 PM | peilunsong peilunsong
question about the hippocampus subfield segmentation by freesurfer
Dear all,

I am a beginner in the brain MR image processing. Recently, I try to use the freesurfer 6.0 to segment the hippocampus into 12 subfields. Due to the lack of domain knowledge, I am confused about how to check the results of the segmentaion. I have tried to check the segmentation labels by the freeview, but it's to hard for me to check. I have no idea how to ensure the estimated volumes is better enough for the further analysis. Could anyone help me ?? Thanks

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question about the hippocampus subfield segmentation by freesurfer
peilunsong peilunsong Nov 6, 2019
Mark Warner Dec 16, 2019
Sebastien Tourbier Nov 6, 2019