faq > Alignment of correlation maps
May 27, 2020 06:05 PM | Adrian Williams - Brunel University London
Alignment of correlation maps
I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed a small mis-alignment of the ISC results? I have pre-processed my data as per the instructions and they are aligned with the MNI space. But when I overlay a correlation map on the MNI brain it seems offset by a few voxels. Its tiny, but you do notice it. When I put the underlay and overly into voxel space, the match seems good. But in world space, I'm sure there's a misalignment!
I'm using the latest version of the toolbox.
I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed a small mis-alignment of the ISC results? I have pre-processed my data as per the instructions and they are aligned with the MNI space. But when I overlay a correlation map on the MNI brain it seems offset by a few voxels. Its tiny, but you do notice it. When I put the underlay and overly into voxel space, the match seems good. But in world space, I'm sure there's a misalignment!
I'm using the latest version of the toolbox.