help > 'map::at key not found' error
Sep 23, 2020 05:09 PM | eraven
'map::at key not found' error
Hello AutoSeg Development Team,
I was trying to implement the UNC-EMORY Infant Atlas for segmentation and have run into an error (probably silly). The error I am getting is, 'map:: at key not found'. Can you please help me to diagnose? I have attached screen shots of my GUI and the AutoSeg_Parameters.txt (but all params are currently set to default).
Thank you so much,
// Automatic Segmentation Parameter File
// Atlases
Common Coordinate Image: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended
Common Coordinate Image Type: T1
Tissue Segmentation Atlas Directory: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/ABC_12months/
Tissue Segmentation Atlas Type: T1
// Loop
Loop: 0
Atlas Loop: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/ABC_12months_vessel/
Loop - Number of iterations: 1
ROI Atlas File: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/T1_12months_noSkull.nrrd
ROI Second Atlas File: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/T2_12months_noSkull.nrrd
// Subcortical Structures
Subcortical Structure Segmentation: 0
Amygdala Left:
Amygdala Right:
Caudate Left:
Caudate Right:
Hippocampus Left:
Hippocampus Right:
Pallidus Left:
Pallidus Right:
Putamen Left:
Putamen Right:
Lateral Ventricle Left:
Lateral Ventricle Right:
// Generic ROI Maps
Generic ROI Segmentation: 0
ROI File 1:
ROI File 2:
ROI File 3:
ROI File 4:
ROI File 5:
// Parcellation Maps
Parcellation Map Segmentation: 1
Tissue Map: Hard
Parcellation File 1: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/UNC_Parc_withHippo.nrrd
Parcellation File 2: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/UNC_SubCort.nrrd
Parcellation File 3:
// Tissue Segmentation
EM Software: ABC
Filter Iterations: 10
Filter TimeStep: 0.01
Filter Method: Curvature flow
Max Bias Degree: 4
Initial Distribution Estimator: robust
Prior 1: 1.3
Prior 2: 1
Prior 3: 0.7
Prior 4: 1
Prior 5: 1
Prior 6: 1
Prior 7: 1
Prior 8: 1
Prior 9: 1
Fluid Atlas Warp: 1
Fluid Atlas Affine: 0
Fluid Atlas FATW: 0
ANTS Warp for ABC: 0
Fluid Atlas Warp Iterations: 50
Fluid Atlas Warp Max Step: 0.1
ANTS with brainmask: 1
Use Initital Affine Transform: 1
Atlas Linear Mapping: affine
Image Linear Mapping: id
// Grid Template
Rigid Registration: 1
Is ROIAtlasGridTemplate: 1
GridTemplate SizeX: 0
GridTemplate SizeY: 0
GridTemplate SizeZ: 0
GridTemplate SpacingX: 0
GridTemplate SpacingY: 0
GridTemplate SpacingZ: 0
Registration Initialization: useCenterOfHeadAlign
Use T1 initial transform: 0
// Atlas Warping
Warping Method: ANTS
// - Fluid Warping parameters
Alpha: 0.01
Beta: 0.01
Gamma: 0.001
Max Perturbation: 0.5
NumBasis: 0.01
Scale 4 - Number Of Iterations: 50
Scale 2 - Number Of Iterations: 25
Scale 1 - Number Of Iterations: 100
// - BRAINSDemonWarp parameters
Registration Filter Type: LogDemons
Deformation Field Smoothing Sigma: 2
Pyramid Levels: 5
Moving Shrink Factors: 16,16,16
Fixed Shrink Factors: 16,16,16
Iteration Count Pyramid Levels: 300,50,30,20,15
// - ANTS parameters
ANTS Iterations: 100x50x25
ANTS CC weight: 1
ANTS CC region radius: 2
ANTS MI weight: 0
ANTS MI bins: 32
ANTS MSQ weight: 0
ANTS CC weight for 2nd modality: 1
ANTS CC region radius for 2nd modality: 2
ANTS MI weight for 2nd modality: 0
ANTS MI bins for 2nd modality: 32
ANTS MSQ weight for 2nd modality: 0
ANTS Registration Type: GreedyDiffeomorphism
ANTS Registration Step: 0.25
ANTS Gaussian Smoothing: 1
ANTS Gaussian Sigma: 3
ANTS Number of Threads: 1
// Skull Stripping
Delete Vessels: 0
// Intensity Rescaling
Intensity Rescaling: Histogram quantile
// Regional histogram
Quantiles: 1,5,33,50,66,95,99
Point Spacing: 10
// N4 ITK Bias Field Correction
N4 ITK Bias Field Correction: 1
N4 Number of iterations: 50,40,30
N4 Spline distance: 0
N4 Shrink factor: 4
N4 Convergence threshold: 0.0001
N4 BSpline grid resolutions: 1,1,1
N4 BSpline alpha: 0
N4 BSpline beta: 0
N4 Histogram sharpening: 0
N4 BSpline order: 3
Bias Correction stripped image: 0
The Version of Slicer Used: 4.3
// Reorientation
Reorientation: 0
Input Orientation:
Output Orientation:
// Multi-Atlas Segmentation
Label Fusion Algorithm: Weighted Majority Voting
Intensity Energy Weight: 0.5
Harmonic Energy Weight: 0.5
Shape Energy Weight: 0.5
Multi-atlas directory:
I was trying to implement the UNC-EMORY Infant Atlas for segmentation and have run into an error (probably silly). The error I am getting is, 'map:: at key not found'. Can you please help me to diagnose? I have attached screen shots of my GUI and the AutoSeg_Parameters.txt (but all params are currently set to default).
Thank you so much,
// Automatic Segmentation Parameter File
// Atlases
Common Coordinate Image: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended
Common Coordinate Image Type: T1
Tissue Segmentation Atlas Directory: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/ABC_12months/
Tissue Segmentation Atlas Type: T1
// Loop
Loop: 0
Atlas Loop: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/ABC_12months_vessel/
Loop - Number of iterations: 1
ROI Atlas File: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/T1_12months_noSkull.nrrd
ROI Second Atlas File: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/T2_12months_noSkull.nrrd
// Subcortical Structures
Subcortical Structure Segmentation: 0
Amygdala Left:
Amygdala Right:
Caudate Left:
Caudate Right:
Hippocampus Left:
Hippocampus Right:
Pallidus Left:
Pallidus Right:
Putamen Left:
Putamen Right:
Lateral Ventricle Left:
Lateral Ventricle Right:
// Generic ROI Maps
Generic ROI Segmentation: 0
ROI File 1:
ROI File 2:
ROI File 3:
ROI File 4:
ROI File 5:
// Parcellation Maps
Parcellation Map Segmentation: 1
Tissue Map: Hard
Parcellation File 1: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/UNC_Parc_withHippo.nrrd
Parcellation File 2: /Users/eraven/NYU_gdrive/ZIKA/atlas/Animal/primate/atlas/Emory_Cross_Atlas/12months_Extended/UNC_SubCort.nrrd
Parcellation File 3:
// Tissue Segmentation
EM Software: ABC
Filter Iterations: 10
Filter TimeStep: 0.01
Filter Method: Curvature flow
Max Bias Degree: 4
Initial Distribution Estimator: robust
Prior 1: 1.3
Prior 2: 1
Prior 3: 0.7
Prior 4: 1
Prior 5: 1
Prior 6: 1
Prior 7: 1
Prior 8: 1
Prior 9: 1
Fluid Atlas Warp: 1
Fluid Atlas Affine: 0
Fluid Atlas FATW: 0
ANTS Warp for ABC: 0
Fluid Atlas Warp Iterations: 50
Fluid Atlas Warp Max Step: 0.1
ANTS with brainmask: 1
Use Initital Affine Transform: 1
Atlas Linear Mapping: affine
Image Linear Mapping: id
// Grid Template
Rigid Registration: 1
Is ROIAtlasGridTemplate: 1
GridTemplate SizeX: 0
GridTemplate SizeY: 0
GridTemplate SizeZ: 0
GridTemplate SpacingX: 0
GridTemplate SpacingY: 0
GridTemplate SpacingZ: 0
Registration Initialization: useCenterOfHeadAlign
Use T1 initial transform: 0
// Atlas Warping
Warping Method: ANTS
// - Fluid Warping parameters
Alpha: 0.01
Beta: 0.01
Gamma: 0.001
Max Perturbation: 0.5
NumBasis: 0.01
Scale 4 - Number Of Iterations: 50
Scale 2 - Number Of Iterations: 25
Scale 1 - Number Of Iterations: 100
// - BRAINSDemonWarp parameters
Registration Filter Type: LogDemons
Deformation Field Smoothing Sigma: 2
Pyramid Levels: 5
Moving Shrink Factors: 16,16,16
Fixed Shrink Factors: 16,16,16
Iteration Count Pyramid Levels: 300,50,30,20,15
// - ANTS parameters
ANTS Iterations: 100x50x25
ANTS CC weight: 1
ANTS CC region radius: 2
ANTS MI weight: 0
ANTS MI bins: 32
ANTS MSQ weight: 0
ANTS CC weight for 2nd modality: 1
ANTS CC region radius for 2nd modality: 2
ANTS MI weight for 2nd modality: 0
ANTS MI bins for 2nd modality: 32
ANTS MSQ weight for 2nd modality: 0
ANTS Registration Type: GreedyDiffeomorphism
ANTS Registration Step: 0.25
ANTS Gaussian Smoothing: 1
ANTS Gaussian Sigma: 3
ANTS Number of Threads: 1
// Skull Stripping
Delete Vessels: 0
// Intensity Rescaling
Intensity Rescaling: Histogram quantile
// Regional histogram
Quantiles: 1,5,33,50,66,95,99
Point Spacing: 10
// N4 ITK Bias Field Correction
N4 ITK Bias Field Correction: 1
N4 Number of iterations: 50,40,30
N4 Spline distance: 0
N4 Shrink factor: 4
N4 Convergence threshold: 0.0001
N4 BSpline grid resolutions: 1,1,1
N4 BSpline alpha: 0
N4 BSpline beta: 0
N4 Histogram sharpening: 0
N4 BSpline order: 3
Bias Correction stripped image: 0
The Version of Slicer Used: 4.3
// Reorientation
Reorientation: 0
Input Orientation:
Output Orientation:
// Multi-Atlas Segmentation
Label Fusion Algorithm: Weighted Majority Voting
Intensity Energy Weight: 0.5
Harmonic Energy Weight: 0.5
Shape Energy Weight: 0.5
Multi-atlas directory:
Threaded View
Title | Author | Date |
eraven | Sep 23, 2020 | |
wsin | Mar 25, 2021 | |