open-discussion > time series extraction for cPPI
Mar 10, 2022  06:03 AM | noamagal
time series extraction for cPPI
Dear Dr. Fornito, 
thank you for devloping this wonderful toolbox. 
so far, i've already performed the first level for all my subjects in SPM12, so i have a SPM.mat file for each subject. 
i also have my ROIs as .mat files  (created using MARSBAR). 
i ran into a technical question when trying to preform cPPI analyses on my data, hopes it's ok -
in the "cPPI_master.m" code lines 93-103 the user is expected to enter the ROI time courses.
i'm not sure how to extract these time courses at this point using SPM. 
when i run gPPI models using the gPPI toolbox this step is already implemented as a part of the PPPI.m function, so i'm not sure how to do this manually.
hope you can help me in this issue. 

many thanks,
Noa Magal.

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time series extraction for cPPI
noamagal Mar 10, 2022
Alex Fornito Mar 10, 2022