devel > RE: gifti_tool, in giftilib-0.0.9
Jan 7, 2008  10:01 PM | Erik Anderson
RE: gifti_tool, in giftilib-0.0.9
Hi all,
I have made some (small) changes to the 0.0.9 Makefile. I didn't want to post these changes to the public file repo. without someone else checking them for errors, compatibility, etc. The makefile is found at:

Basically, I added some new rules to build a shared library out of the gifti_io and gifti_xml file pairs. This will be used to generate Python bindings for GIFTI file support directly in Python (using ctypes)


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Richard Reynolds Dec 28, 2007
RE: gifti_tool, in giftilib-0.0.9
Erik Anderson Jan 7, 2008
Richard Reynolds Jan 7, 2008
Erik Anderson Jan 7, 2008