open-discussion > RE: Suggestion/plea: stackoverflow-like QA site
Mar 11, 2011 12:03 PM | Daniel Kimberg
RE: Suggestion/plea: stackoverflow-like QA site
This is just a terrific idea. Anyone who codes can attest to
how useful stack overflow is. I don't really know if it's the
details of their approach or just some kind of cultural
convergence, but there's no question this model can be hugely
successful, and it would be great to extend it to
neuroimaging. I do agree that language agnosticism is
important, but perhaps more important would be getting commitments
from a bunch of knowledgeable people to check in once or twice a
week. I've looked at some of the less populated stackexchange
sites, and it seems like there's a bit of a chicken/egg problem in
attracting users to a site before it's very comprehensive.
Maybe it would also be useful to seed it with a bunch of easily
answered or at least important questions, so that it would be
useful right away. (I'd be more than happy to help with this,
although I almost invariably fall in with the minority view.)
I imagine the best place for this would be someplace that's already a community hub, like NITRC. But in the unlikely event no one more centrally located takes this up, I'd be happy to set it up on our center's server.
I imagine the best place for this would be someplace that's already a community hub, like NITRC. But in the unlikely event no one more centrally located takes this up, I'd be happy to set it up on our center's server.
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Title | Author | Date |
Isaiah Norton | Mar 11, 2011 | |
Daniel Kimberg | Mar 11, 2011 | |