open-discussion > Why there is no marks after transfering hitachi to nirs file?
Nov 30, 2022  08:11 AM | tingting
Why there is no marks after transfering hitachi to nirs file?
I have run the script hitachi2nirs.m created by Rebecca Dewey in Matlab. I chose not to remove the mark (Do you want to remove the marker at the end of each stimulus? y/n: n) during the processing.

However, when I import the .nirs file (automatically converted to .snirf file) in Homer 3, there are no markers at all.

Did anyone experience this problem? It would be great if there is any implications. Fully appreciated with any help!

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Why there is no marks after transfering hitachi to nirs file?
tingting Nov 30, 2022
Rebecca Dewey Nov 30, 2022
tingting Dec 1, 2022
Rebecca Dewey Dec 1, 2022
tingting Dec 2, 2022
Rebecca Dewey Dec 2, 2022