help > Changing color on 3D traces not working
Sep 19, 2023  01:09 PM | muhibmethani
Changing color on 3D traces not working


I am trying to change the color by SWC file type on Vaa3D. The way I work with my traces is I first edit them in neuTube and assign SWC file types to each branch according to the standard method: 1 is soma, 2 is axon, 3 is basal dendrite, etc. I can change the colors on neuTube but when I save them and open the traces in Vaa3D, it gives me a black soma with pink and red projections--something I would like to avoid. When I go to the object manager to try and change the color, it says that the entire neuron is a single trace and thus I can only change the color of the entire neuron, which is something I don't want to do. I want to see if I can make the soma yellow, dendrites blue, and axons red.


If you would like to see what I mean, attached are the traces for the neuron.


How would I go about doing this?


Best wishes,

Muhib Methani


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Changing color on 3D traces not working
muhibmethani Sep 19, 2023
Lingli Zhang Nov 30, 2023