help > Creating custom atlas meshes
Nov 1, 2023  11:11 AM | Sam Knight - KCL
Creating custom atlas meshes

Surfice is such a fantastic tool, the visualisations are beautiful!

I've been trying to create custom mesh atlases from volumetric atlas files. I know there is a function that converts voxelwise meshes to atlases within the application, though I've been having issues getting this to work ('image does not appear to be an atlas' - tried this with my own atlas as well as several more 'standard' ones I've downloaded, same issue).

My hack-job approach was to export each ROI from the .nii and then convert them to .objs, which was successful but I can only add them in individually as overlays and was hoping to create a single file like the standard atlases included.

Do you have any advice for how to create a single .mz3 atlas file?

I've tried following previous threads and using the 'nii_nii2atlas' matlab tool, but I also encounter issues here (same issue with a couple of atlases): 

Converting 122 regions of interest
Error using fileUtils.mz3.writeMz3
Too many input arguments.

Error in nii_nii2atlas>img2meshSub (line 109)
fileUtils.mz3.writeMz3(outnm, FV.faces, FV.vertices, [], [], false);

Error in nii_nii2atlas (line 51)
        img2meshSub(hdrS, imgI, outnm, reduce, thresh, isReverseFace)

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Creating custom atlas meshes
Sam Knight Nov 1, 2023
Chris Rorden Nov 1, 2023