hbn > Corrupt MRI data
Jul 8, 2024  02:07 PM | Marc Joanisse - The University of Western Ontario
Corrupt MRI data


I am attempting to uncompress several MRI files that seem to be corrupt. For example, when using 'gunzip' or 'tar' commands, I get errors such as 

"gzip: sub-NDARMK046ZRK.tar.gz: unexpected end of file"

"gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--format violated"
"tar: Unexpected EOF in archive"

I believe the commands are correct as most files unzip successfully, only a few do not. Unzipping via GUI also results in an error. Searching for these errors online suggests the files may have been corrupted either while zipping or during the file transfer process. I have attempted to redownload and transfer to my workspace a number of different ways/times. Specifically using Cyberduck and Globus, which both ensure file integrity. 

It is unclear where this issue may have arisen and I wanted to raise awareness. Is it possible to confirm the file integrity on your end before/after zipping and update the download links? 

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Corrupt MRI data
Marc Joanisse Jul 8, 2024
FCP/INDI Admin Jul 9, 2024