help > gPPI Group Level Analysis - SPM level-2 or something different?
Aug 16, 2024  12:08 PM | jebezek
gPPI Group Level Analysis - SPM level-2 or something different?



I have recently completed gPPI analyses in MATLAB utilizing the PPPI.m script downloaded from NITRC and I have generated individual-level files for each subject in my analysis. I am using the ventral striatum (VS) as a seed region and I have three contrasts specified within my analysis based on task condition.


Now that I have individual-level output, I am interested in completing a group-level analysis in SPM; however, I am not sure if the individual gPPI output is appropriate for a regular level 2 analysis. I have two SPM.mat files per subject, one for the left VS and one for the right VS. How can I examine these results at the group level to identify the regions significantly coupled with my seed region of interest during my conditions of interest across the entire sample?


Thank you in advance for your assistance.