Hi there -
I am trying to use surf ice node feature to display the locations of contacts from SEEG electrodes. I am doing this by treating each contact location as a 'node' and loading a .node file.
However, I really want to be able to a) load the contacts in groups (corresponding to electrodes targeting a given structure) with a different color, and b) ideally load the contacts with color intensities that reflect some behavioral or physiological effect.
So far I can only load one set of nodes at a time and they all have the same color. It seems like there ought to be a way to specific color and intensity for each node individually but I can't seem to figure out how to do it.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
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Title | Author | Date |
Leo Sugrue | Nov 6, 2024 | |
Chris Rorden | Nov 6, 2024 | |