general-discussion > RE: Errors trying to segment T1w images.
Apr 18, 2011  08:04 AM | U P
RE: Errors trying to segment T1w images.
Hi, thanks very much for answering. My images are DICOM, so I convert them into NIFTY(.img, .hdr), with MRIConvert and then I'll need to use niak_brick_nii2mnc. My laptop has Windows7 64bits but I have seen that MINC tools are for win32 so I'm using a virtual machine with XP 32bits. Sorry for asking with so much detail.

For installing MINC tools I followed the Binary Instructions, I downloaded "mni-2006-11-15.tar.gz"  (I don't know where to put it). Then I downloaded Cygwin, and I chosed the option for installing X11.
After that I downloaded the binary tools for win 32:minc-2.0.15_SEP04_08.exe. So then I didn't understood the last step($ tar zxvf minc-xxxxxx.tar.gz) because my file isn't in tar.gz, and I wrote the following on Cygwin:
cd C:/cygwin/usr/local and then ./minc-2.0.15_SEP04_08.exe      A screen appeared and it was installed successful. Have I done the correct thing?
Are this way MINC tools installed? 
Then in MATLAB's path I have the niak package, the folder of MINC tools and the folder called mni-2006-11-15.tar.gz unziped. Can i follow the steps explained
in: FmriPreprocessing more or less for T1w MRI, despite not being fMRI?

Thanks very much and sorry for the messy message.

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U P Apr 15, 2011
U P Apr 21, 2011
RE: Errors trying to segment T1w images.
U P Apr 18, 2011
Pierre Bellec Apr 15, 2011