sdm-help-list > RE: Don't see Jackknife Analysis option
Mar 7, 2025  07:03 PM | Orsi Lanyi
RE: Don't see Jackknife Analysis option

Hello Lydia,

I'm trying to run a jackknife sensitivity analysis by implementing multiple linear models, as per your suggestion above. I've set up dummy variables for each article, where all articles are coded as 1 except for the excluded study, which is coded as 0.

However, I have some questions regarding how to properly run and interpret the analysis:
1. Should I define a model and hypothesis, or use these variables as filters in the linear model?

  • I tried running the analysis by selecting the variable (e.g. study_1_excluded) as a model predictor and setting the hypothesis to 1 (as per the GUI baseline recommendation). However, this resulted in an error: "ERROR: matrix is singular Default GSL error handler invoked"

  • If this error is due to the lack of variance in the dummy variable (since only one study differs) how should I run the Leave-one-out analysis?

  • Should I instead use the filter variable option in the GUI instead?

2. Could you please elaborate on how the linear model is calculated in this specific case?

  • Since only one study has a different value, does the model still perform the regression at each voxel?

  • How does SDM calculate the voxel-wise slope (β1eta_1) when one group consists of just one study?

3. Interpreting the Results:

  • What does a significant β1eta_1 coefficient indicate in this context?

  • If a voxel has a large β1eta_1, should I conclude that the omitted study strongly influenced that region?

  • Would it be better to compare the intercept maps (across different LOO runs) instead of focusing on the slopes?

I appreciate any guidance you can provide on best practices for running LOO sensitivity analysis using meta-regression in SDM.

I used the SDM Linux version: v6.21
Thank you so much!

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Lydia Fortea Feb 17, 2025
RE: Don't see Jackknife Analysis option
Orsi Lanyi Mar 7, 2025