open-discussion > RE: MeshMath error in ShapeAnalysisModule
Jul 12, 2011  01:07 AM | Sylvia Hon
RE: MeshMath error in ShapeAnalysisModule
Hi Beatriz,

What are the differences between a CLP and a non-CLP module? For example, SegPostProcess vs. SegPostProcessCLP and GenParaMesh vs. GenParaMeshCLP?

Using the latest 64-bit spharm-toolkit, there are only CLP modules. I was able to process a data set through SegPostProcessCLP and the mesh computed through GenParaMeshCLP, but when I load the mesh onto KWMeshVisu, they do not show.

On the other hand, when I use the 32-bit package: v.10.7, I was able to process a data set through SegPostProcess and GenParaMesh, and the mesh showed up fine in KWMeshVisu.

Unfortunately, there's no CLP version of ParaToSPHARMMesh module in the v.10.7 version, I am not able to output the SPHARM coefs and associated meshes.

I typed in:
ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP --echo --verb --paraOut --regTemplate groupA_02_template.meta --regTemplateFileOn --flipTemplate groupA_02_template.coef --flipTemplateOn --spharmDegree 12 --subdivLevel 10 groupA_02_spharm_para.meta groupA_02_spharm_surf.meta /home/syhon/Slicer_Data/tutorialdata/ShapeAnalysisModule_TutorialData/origData/groupA_02_spharmpdm

and later a command with less inputs:
ParaToSPHARMMeshCLP --echo --verb --paraOut --spharmDegree 12 --subdivLevel 10 groupA_02_spharm_para.meta groupA_02_spharm_surf.meta /home/syhon/Slicer_Data/tutorialdata/ShapeAnalysisModule_TutorialData/origData/groupA_02_spharmpdm

This is the error I receive:

ERROR: In /opt/local/VTK/VTK_5.6/VTK/IO/vtkDataReader.cxx, line 501
vtkPolyDataReader (0x97bd588): Unrecognized file type: ObjectType = Scene for file: groupA_02_spharm_surf.meta

ERROR: In /opt/local/VTK/VTK_5.6/VTK/IO/vtkDataReader.cxx, line 501
vtkPolyDataReader (0x97bd588): Unrecognized file type: ObjectType = Scene for file: groupA_02_spharm_para.meta

Preprocessing done
At line 40 of file xerbla.f
Fortran runtime error: Missing initial left parenthesis in format

Am I inputting the wrong mesh (_surf.meta, _para.meta) files? Please let me know if I'm utilizing the ParaToSPHARMMesh command wrong.

Thank you,

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Beatriz Paniagua Jul 1, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Jul 1, 2011
Azar Zandifar Aug 25, 2015
Martin Styner Aug 26, 2015
Azar Zandifar Aug 26, 2015
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Azar Zandifar Sep 2, 2015
Martin Styner Sep 3, 2015
Azar Zandifar Sep 3, 2015
RE: MeshMath error in ShapeAnalysisModule
Sylvia Hon Jul 12, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Jul 14, 2011
Sylvia Hon Jul 8, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Jul 8, 2011
Sylvia Hon Jul 8, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Jul 8, 2011
Sylvia Hon Jul 6, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Jul 7, 2011
Sylvia Hon Jul 1, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Jul 5, 2011