open-discussion > RE: hipokampi
Sep 2, 2011  07:09 PM | Beatriz Paniagua
RE: hipokampi
Hi Godze,

About error 1) it seems you are using a parametric field (all the information contained in the Phi.txt Theta.txt PhiHalf.txt) and SPHARM meshes with a different number of subdivisions. 1002 number of points is associated with 10 subdivisions, 4002 is associated with 20 subdivisions. It seems rather weird that that happens if you ran the command from the scratch, all parametric fields and meshes are generated with the same number of points, does it make sense? Did you run ParaToSPHARMMesh before? Can you try to re-run the command by erasing all the outputs from ParaToSPHARMMesh?

About error 2), does that happens after a long time computing, or just in the begining? it seems to me that this is normal screen messages for the program. Could you provide a little bit more information on it?



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Gozde Kizilates Sep 2, 2011
RE: hipokampi
Beatriz Paniagua Sep 2, 2011
Gozde Kizilates Sep 2, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Sep 6, 2011
Gozde Kizilates Sep 6, 2011
Beatriz Paniagua Sep 6, 2011