help > Problem with running the code
Jun 13, 2012  05:06 PM | Hengameh Mirzaalian
Problem with running the code
I am trying to apply ShapeWorks on my dataset. The following two command lines work properly.
ShapeWorksGroom ".\\A.preprocess1.params"  isolate  hole_fill  center  auto_crop
ShapeWorksGroom  ".\A.preprocess2.params"  antialias  fastmarching  blur
however, when I run
ShapeWorksRun   ".\\A.correspondence.params"
I receved the following error:
 itk::ExceptionObject (00FCFB2C)
Location: "bool __thiscall itk::ParticleImplicitSurfaceDomain::ApplyCon
straints(class itk::Point &) const"
File: c:\documents and settings\cates\desktop\shapeworks\code\itkparticlesystem\
Line: 121
Description: itk::ERROR: ParticleImplicitSurfaceDomain(01486510): A Point, [46.9
793, -0.00222205, 18.976], was projected outside the given image domain.
Further, ShapeWork works well when I run it over TorusExample dataset, but, when I run it on MickeyExample, it get stuck at particle count: 2 for this command line:
ShapeWorksRun   "".\\MickeyExample\\mickey.group1.correspondence.params"
Would you please guide me how to figure out these problems?

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Problem with running the code
Hengameh Mirzaalian Jun 13, 2012
Manasi Datar Jun 13, 2012
Hengameh Mirzaalian Jun 14, 2012
Manasi Datar Jun 14, 2012
FĂ©lix Renard Aug 1, 2013