open-discussion > Longitudinal brain MRI data
Apr 23, 2013  07:04 AM | Xenia Gkontra
Longitudinal brain MRI data
Hi all,
I am looking for longitudinal brain MRI datasets including subjects suffering from a brain disorder (I am interested in any kind of brain disorder e.g. epilepsy, autism etc). So far, I came across with datasets from:
1. Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)
2. Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI)
3. Minimal Interval Resonance Imaging in Alzheimer's Disease (MIRIAD)
4. Efficient Longitudinal Upload of Depression in the Elderly (ELUDE) (unfortunately the data seems not to be available for downloading at the moment)

I was wondering if anyone knows any other publicly available datasets that I might have missed?
Many thanks,
Xenia Gkontra

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Longitudinal brain MRI data
Xenia Gkontra Apr 23, 2013
Justin Senseney Apr 23, 2013
Xenia Gkontra Apr 24, 2013
Mike Schmidt Apr 23, 2013
Ged Ridgway Apr 23, 2013