open-discussion > RE: FANTAST plug-in download?
May 7, 2013  07:05 AM | Christophe Phillips
RE: FANTAST plug-in download?
Dear Lin,

Could yu possibly provide the whole error message spit out byMatlab?
From what you describe, it looks like SPM8/PRoNTo are not properlyinstalled, or at least Matlab cannot find them...
Could you check that the top directory of *both* SPM and PRoNTohave been added to the Matlab path ?
You can check that things are in place by typing, at the matlabprompt: 'which spm' and 'which prt'.
These should return the path to the spm.m and prt.m files, anyother answer means there is a path problem.
To further make sure that your installation of SPM is ok, you canlaunch it with 'spm fmri' at the matlab prompt, then try to displayany image (e.g. one from the 'canonical' subdirectory of SPM).Again any error would point towards a setup problem.
PS: there are few PRoNTo people on NITRC and you may prefer to usethus PRoNTo-users mailing list: PRONTO-USERS@JISCMAIL.AC.UK

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Bui Toan May 6, 2013
Justin Senseney May 6, 2013
Bui Toan May 6, 2013
lin jiang May 7, 2013
RE: FANTAST plug-in download?
Christophe Phillips May 7, 2013
lin jiang May 6, 2013