help > RE: FANTASM run problem "Exception in thread "
May 7, 2013  06:05 PM | aaron_carass - The Johns Hopkins University
RE: FANTASM run problem "Exception in thread "
Originally posted by Bui Toan:
Hello all,

I am using MIPAV verion 5.12 in Ubuntu and install JIST plugin (JIST-CRUISE-2011May09-11-42AM.jar). I try to run FANTASM algorithm but it has exception when running:
iteration 8 (max: 0.15002942)
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.RuntimeException: Matrix is singular.

What is happen? Please help me to fix it?

Can you post the complete debug ?

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Bui Toan May 7, 2013
Bui Toan May 8, 2013
aaron_carass May 8, 2013
Bui Toan May 8, 2013
RE: FANTASM run problem "Exception in thread "
aaron_carass May 7, 2013