open-discussion > PRoNTo ——specify model
May 14, 2013  07:05 AM | lin jiang
PRoNTo ——specify model
Now, I'm using the PRoNTo.  And  the SPM8 and Haxbydataset hane been downloaded and installed .The Matlab path  showed follow:
>> which spm
>> which prt

But,when I do  the example  on the PRoNTo manual.At the step
11.1.3:specify model
when I clicked the "specify and run model"   MATLAB getting the following:
Running model svmFacesHouses
Model 'svmFacesHouses' found in PRT.mat.
Model 'svmFacesHouses' found in PRT.mat.
Loading data files.....>>
Feature set 'Haxby' found in PRT.mat.
> running CV fold: 1 of 12 ...
prt_machine: machine did not run sucessfully.
SOLUTION: Please read the message below and attempt to correct the problem, or ask the developpers for assistance by copy-pasting all messages and explaining the exact steps that led to the problem.
These kinds of issues are typically caused by Matlab path problems.
9 : function [@(hObject,eventdata)prt_ui_cv_model('runbutt_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))] in file [] at line [0]
8 : function [prt_ui_cv_model] in file [D:\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\pronto\pronto_v1.1_beta\prt_ui_cv_model.m] at line [50]
7 : function [gui_mainfcn] in file [D:\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\matlab\guide\gui_mainfcn.m] at line [96]
6 : function [runbutt_Callback] in file [D:\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\pronto\pronto_v1.1_beta\prt_ui_cv_model.m] at line [393]
5 : function [prt_cv_model] in file [D:\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\pronto\pronto_v1.1_beta\prt_cv_model.m] at line [82]
4 : function [prt_cv_fold] in file [D:\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\pronto\pronto_v1.1_beta\prt_cv_fold.m] at line [65]
3 : function [prt_machine] in file [D:\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\pronto\pronto_v1.1_beta\machines\prt_machine.m] at line [206]
2 : function [prt_machine_svm_bin] in file [D:\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\pronto\pronto_v1.1_beta\machines\prt_machine_svm_bin.m] at line [100]
1 : function [svmtrain] in file [D:\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\bioinfo\biolearning\svmtrain.m] at line [233]
Warning: Prediction method did not return [Error running machine prt_machine_svm_bin:
stats:svmtrain:GroupNotVector Error using svmtrain (line 233)
Y must be a vector or a character array.]
> In prt_cv_fold at 67
In prt_cv_model at 82
In prt_ui_cv_model>runbutt_Callback at 393
In gui_mainfcn at 96
In prt_ui_cv_model at 50
In @(hObject,eventdata)prt_ui_cv_model('runbutt_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Warning: model.type not specified, defaulting to classifier
> In prt_stats at 34
In prt_cv_model at 85
In prt_ui_cv_model>runbutt_Callback at 393
In gui_mainfcn at 96
In prt_ui_cv_model at 50
In @(hObject,eventdata)prt_ui_cv_model('runbutt_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Attempted to access stats.con_mat(0,1); index must be a positive integer or logical.

Error in prt_stats>compute_stats_classifier (line 67)
stats.con_mat(pred_lb,true_lb) = stats.con_mat(pred_lb,true_lb) + 1;
Error in prt_stats (line 42)
stats = compute_stats_classifier(model, tte, ttr);
Error in prt_cv_model (line 85)
stats = prt_stats(model, targets.test, targets.train);
Error in prt_ui_cv_model>runbutt_Callback (line 393)
prt_cv_model(PRT, in);
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 96)
Error in prt_ui_cv_model (line 50)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in @(hObject,eventdata)prt_ui_cv_model('runbutt_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

Is anyone having the same problem ?And anyone who konws please help! Thanks!!

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PRoNTo ——specify model
lin jiang May 14, 2013
Christophe Phillips May 14, 2013