nitrc-ce > RE: Can NITRC-CE be installed on private cloud?
Dec 15, 2013  11:12 PM | Robert Buccigrossi - TCG
RE: Can NITRC-CE be installed on private cloud?
Dear Mr. Jeanson:

  I'm happy to announce that we released a beta version of our NITRC-CE install script in our NITRC Enhanced Services Downloads Area. From our Release Notes:

The purpose of the NITRC-CE install script is to convert any Ubuntu 12.04 machine (real or virtual) into a NITRC-CE instance. Since it will install a number of packages including ubuntu-desktop and packages from NeuroDebian, it may take many hours to execute, and will restart your system at least once. A log of its progress will be placed in /var/lib/nitrcce/.

Once completed, you will be able to use a web browser to connect to the machine and set up a NITRC-CE user. Please see for full usage instructions.

Please let us know if you have any problems or suggestions!

Robert Buccigrossi

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Francis Jeanson Nov 20, 2013
Robert Buccigrossi Nov 21, 2013
Francis Jeanson Nov 21, 2013
RE: Can NITRC-CE be installed on private cloud?
Robert Buccigrossi Dec 15, 2013