help > Subject-specific VOIs created before
Apr 14, 2014  11:04 AM | Jolien Francken
Subject-specific VOIs created before
Dear Dr. McLaren,

I have a couple of questions about the gPPI analysis. I have run the traditional SPM PPI analysis before, so I already have created subject-specific VOIs. I would like to use these for the gPPI analysis:

1) In the ppi_wrapper.m, how can I select subject-specific VOIs instead of specifying one second-level VOI?
2) Is it possible to skip the VOI creation in gPPI?
3) Previously I have created two VOIs (one for each experimental run), and I would like to use both again, but I guess the possibility to put multiple VOIs into the variable 'regionfile' is not meant for this purpose, but only when I would like to use different brain regions as seed regions? So how can I use two VOIs for every subject?

Thank you in advance,

Jolien Francken

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Subject-specific VOIs created before
Jolien Francken Apr 14, 2014
Donald McLaren Apr 14, 2014
Qian Liu Apr 16, 2024
Jolien Francken Apr 15, 2014
L Tang Apr 17, 2014