Notes: The following table tells you what file to download for your architecture and platform:
i386 = 32-bit Intel-based
x86_64 = 64-bit Intel-based (aka AMD64)
lsb31: use for Fedora 6 and newer, RHEL (or CentOS) version 4 update 2 or newer, and Ubuntu Hardy (8.04.2) and newer
lsb13: use for 32-bit RHEL (or CentOS) 3
centos3: use for 64-bit RHEL (or CentOS) 3
darwin980: use for MacOS 10.5.8 (Leopard)
darwin1030: use for MacOS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
win32: use for Windows
If you are using Linux (other than 64-bit CentOS 3), you need LSB (Linux Standards Base) installed. This means the command lsb_release should return a list of modules that includes the "core" module. On Red Hat-based systems, the following should suffice:
yum install redhat-lsb
On Ubuntu systems:
apt-get install lsb-core
Changes from release 1.9.9:
Added preliminary support for DICOM files from Siemens Skyra (ASCII header format changed).