
Release Name: 1.0


This release contains two files.  The src file is the scripts, which can be run in vtk directly.  The sample_data is only necessary if you want to run examples from the gallery elsewhere on this site.

Installation and use:

Draw3d and meshinator are scripts that should be run by the VTK interpreter.  To achieve this, a small shell script (unix) or batch file (windows) can be placed in the path that calls the
vtk interpreter, and the draw3d script.  Examples of these files are included in the source, you will have to adjust your paths according to the configuration of your system.  Installation must be done manually at this time.

A fairly detailed help can be obtained by doing

draw3d help

The output of this is reproduced here - the help in the code may be more up to date than 
this web site.

Meshinator has far fewer options, which can be listed by running it with no arguments

Known bugs:

1. The initial window level for the planes widgets is sometimes correct and sometimes incorrect.  It can be adjusted manually clicking and dragging the right button within the plane widget.  

2. For volume images not placed at the origin of the coordinate system, the image may be drawn at the wrong place.  Meshinator may also create a mesh that needs to be translated to the actual position of the data.  This is due to VTK not supporting a complete coordinate system for images.