1. The files added to our package today (December 4, 2013) relate
to a new software application called nirsLAB. Use it to perform
topographic data analysis of fNIRS time-series data. As with the
earlier NAVI package, you will indicate the locations of source and
detector probes on the skin. However, since volumetric image
reconstruction is not being performed, there is no need to also
specify a 3D FEM model.
2. If you are going to perform GLM computations on your data, then
you will need to have a concurrent installation of NAVI and nirsLAB
on the same computer. In all other respects, nirsLAB is a
stand-alone product.
3. nirsLAB runs within a MATLAB environment; you will need a MATLAB
release more recent than 2008. We did our code development in
Windows, so we cannot make any guarantees about how/if it will
perform in other operating systems.