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JIST 3.0 Changelog
Major Changes
Removed all duplicate/conflicting jar files inJIST / JIST Plugins
that conflict with new MIPAV7E.g., j3dcore, j3d-core, j3dutils,
camino, etc.Default preferences have changedFiletype ->
niiCompression -> gzipLayout type LayoutXMLHypervisor
offLayoutXML format should be compatible with alllayouts and, as
far as we know, there is no reason not to use the LayoutXMLformat
for all layouts.All .layout specific code will be removed from
afuture release.Several of the "Source" types have
changed,specifically, for Volumes, Surfaces, and Files there are
three types of sourcesVolume/Surface/FileSetA set of
files/volumes/surfaces specifiedmanually, via text file, or through
directory search that are passed individually(one at a time).
Volume/Surface/FileCollectionA collection of files/volumes/surfaces
specifiedmanually, via text file, or through directory search that
are passed en masse(as a single collection).
Volume/Surface/FileCollection SetA set of file/volume/surface
collections thatare passed individually and specified via a comma
separated text file (a set ofcollections are passed).Added "post-it
note" module for adding notes toyour layout. This module does not
affect the process manager in any way.Added ability to change color
of modules(right-click on module). This can be useful for large
layouts to differentiatebetween different sections.Fixed bug
causing GlobalPreferences to asklibrary to re-build twice.Made
AlgorithmInformation and all sub-classesimplement serializable to
avoid no-args constructor errors.Removed nearly all
"System.out/err" and replacedwith JistLogger system.All
file/volume/surface selections should usethe previously used
directory.Fixed bug related to saving empty layouts.Empty layouts
no longer ask you to save beforeexiting.Fixed bug submission system
for automaticallyposting bugs to nitrc tracker site (please
use!).Fixed tons of unnecessary checks that werecausing layout to
require saving unnecessarily.Fixed updater dying when process
manager closed(should make process manager much more stable).Fixed
JGraph bug causing parameters not toupdate when edges/modules
changed/removed/deleted.Dramatically simplified code to display
input/outputparameters (JIST-II stuff).Fixed bug causing previous
layout list to beread inappropriately.All sources/destinations are
now presented in asorted order.Updated JISTLayoutAdapter to use
better namesfor input/output parametersJISTPluginSelector is now
compatible with MIPAV7.Selecting "View in process manager" changes
thelayout in the process manager if necessary.Created a new port
color for parameters that areinvalid (i.e., empty) but are not
mandatoryNote, this only really matters for
files/volumes/surfaces.Open/save layout uses previous directory –
adirectory that is separate from previous file/surface/volume
directory).JISTLayoutAdapter needs a little bit of work tomake it
more useful for simplifying large layouts.JISTPluginSelector needs
better visualizationfor several of the input/output parameters.The
JIST Command line interfaces needs work tosimplify the usage
process.External sources should keep the mandatorysettings of their
ancestors.Avoidance routing (how JGraph selects the path)could be
better (less overlapping edges).Several known graphics bugsIn
particular, bugs that never actually touchthe JIST code but occur
when interacting with the layout/process manager.
Minor Changes/Bug Fixes
Known Bugs / Future Changes