The Neuroimage Analysis Center's Computational Clinical Anatomy
Core and the Surgical Planning Laboratory at Brigham and Women's
Hospital is pleased to make available a multi-modality MRI-based
atlas of the brain. Data was acquired at the Martinos Center for
Biomedical Imaging (courtesy Dr. Lawrence Wald) on a Siemens 3T
scanner, using a multi-array head coil, in a healthy, 42 year old
male. The data set consists of : 1. a volumetric whole head MPRAGE
series (voxel size 0.75 mm isotropic). 2. a volumetric whole head
T2-weighted series (voxel size 0.75 mm isotropic). 3. a downsampled
version of both acquisitions at 1mm isotropic resolution. 4. a per
voxel labeling of the structures based on the 1mm volumes. 5. a
color file mapping label values to RadLex-ontology derived names
and colors suitable for display. 6. MRML files for displaying the
volumes in 3D Slicer version 3.6 or greater, available for
download. The atlas data is made available under terms of the 3D
Slicer License section B.
The Slicer4 version also consists of 1. hypotalamic parcellation
(courtesy Nikos Makris [Neuroimage. 2013]) 2. cerebellar
parcellation (courtesy Nikos Makris [J Cogn Neurosci. 2003],
[Neuroimage. 2005]) 3. head and neck muscles segmenation 4.
anatomical model hierarchy 5. several pre-defined Scene Views
("anatomy teaching files"). All in a mrb (Medical Reality Bundle)
archive file that contains the mrml scene file and all data for
loading into Slicer 4 for displaying the volumes in 3D Slicer
version 4.0 or greater, available for download.
This work is funded as part of the Neuroimaging Analysis Center,
grant number P41 RR013218, by the NIH's National Center for
Research Resources (NCRR) and grant number P41 EB015902, by the
NIH's National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
(NIBIB) and the Google Faculty Research Award.
Contributors: Ilwoo Lyu and Martin Styner-Sulcal Curves, Samira
Farough-Ventricular System, Ibraheem Naeem and Maria Naeem-Head and
Neck Muscles, George Papadimitriou-Cerebellar Parcellation, Madiha
Tahir-White Matter.