This is the release 3.0 of the CBS Tools software. It is now based
on JIST 3.0 and MIPAV 6.0.1 (MIPAV 7.0.+ would work too, although
there can be problems in MIPAV under Java 1.7).
Included in this release bundle are the CBS Tools, the JIST
environment and the CRUISE software package. The CBS Tools are
aimed at high-resolution brain image processing at 400 microns and
beyond. It supports MP2RAGE quantitative T1 data as well as more
traditional MPRAGE and other sequences at 3T and 7T.
Notable features include:
- detailed whole brain segmentation
- high resolution cortical reconstruction for the cerebrum and the
- cortical depth estimation and cortical profiling that respects
layer geometry
- symmetric diffeomorphic cortical surface registration in 3D space
- tools for intensity normalization, partial volume and arteries
filtering, etc
- dedicated MP2RAGE processing tools (skull stripping, background
suppression, filtering...)
This version marks a big step from version 2.0, and the CBS Tools
modules are now listed under 'CBS Tools' rather than 'CBS'. JIST
3.0 only accepts layouts in the .LayoutXML format, so old layouts
in .layout must be converted prior to installing this new version.
Input modules for JIST have also been simplified, but this means
older modules are not necessarily valid anymore. Note that
installing version 2.0 and then 3.0 on top will maintain some
compatibility with older modules.