
Release Name: Initial

Enclosed are some examples of simulated diffusion-weighted datasets generated
using the framework described in: doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.11.006

The simulations represent a typical HARDI style dataset, consisting of 108
images with 12/32/64 volumes with b=0/700/2000 s/mm^2. The simulations
are divided into:
-- A ground truth dataset with no artefacts and no added noise
-- Datasets with eddy currents and "small" amounts of motion at SNR=20 and 40
-- Datasets with eddy currents and "large" amounts of motion at SNR=20 and 40

The datasets are intended to give a feel for the sort of data that can be
generated with the framework. The framework can also be used to create
images with various artefacts, including ghosts, gibbs ringing,
susceptibility, signal dropout and RF spikes. Whilst the code for the
framework is not (yet) available, I would be happy to collaborate if you
were interested in using simulations of datasets with artefacts.
You can email me at mark.graham.13 [at]
