
Release Name: nfg_1.0

This is the first full version of the software, including significant bug fixes from version 0.9.5. It is the software used to generate the results in the upcoming paper on the method.

Critical updates from v0.9.5:

- Fixed critical bug in 'mri_sim' that causes a large fraction of subvoxels to be incorrectly left blank even though they were inside a strand.

- Added 'resampling' tool to resample control points after subdivision. This is primarily performed to avoid unwanted kinks in final strands caused by bunched control points introduced by the subdivision.

- Changed the order in which the tools are called and changed default parameters significantly improve the final characteristics.

- Fixed bug that corrupted gradient directions when number of diffusion-weighted gradients was > 100.

- Included extra Matlab scripts to display extended geometric statistics