SPICODYN: a toolbox for the analysis of neuronal network dynamics
and connectivity from multi-site spike signal recordings
V. Pastore, A. Godjoski, S. Martinoia, P. Massobrio
List of the dummy recordings available
- 5 seconds of raw data in HDF5 file format from the 3Brain
acquisition system (4096 electrodes)
- 30 minutes of raw data in HDF5 file format from the Multi Channel
Systems System (60 electrodes)
- 5 minutes of peak trains in Matlab file format (from a
60-electrodes Multi Channel Systems MEA). Sampling frequency 10
- 10 minutes of peak trains in text file format (from a
60-electrodes Multi Channel Systems MEA
- 10 minutes of peak trains in binary file format (from 3Brain
acquisition system, 4096 electrodes).