NIH_Marmoset_Atlas_v1 (forcus on cortical parcellation)
If you used the atlas, please cite: A digital 3D atlas of the
marmoset brain based on multi-modal MRI. Liu C, Ye FQ, Chern-Chyi
Yen C, Newman JD, Glen D, Leopold DA, Silva AC. Neuroimage. 2017
Dec 2. pii: S1053-8119(17)31018-2. doi:
10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.12.004. [Epub ahead of print]
release v1.1 update
This is an major update of our previous (first) release (v0.02) of
the NIH marmoset Brain atlas. Updates includes:
As we will release another atlas (V2) that forcus on the white
matter pathways soon, we renamed all files of V1 to keep a
consistent with our future atlases.
We adopted the same number indices for left and right brain
regions. To select the left/right ROIs, we provided left/right
brain masks.
We corrected errors identified in the subcortical regions,
including removing the septum, revising and correcting the
boundaries of subcortical regions. Note that the subcortical ROIs
are still beta version, as the V1 atlas mainly forcused on the
cortical parcellation. In the future, we may release a more
fine-grained subcortical gray matter ROIs.
We added the Caret cortical surface files (beta version). However,
This is not completed yet and many features will be added (for
example flat maps) in the future.
We added a folder to include results of studies that used the NIH
marmoset Brain atlas (V1).
release v1.1 files
NIH_cortex_vL_150um.nii.gz -- the location-based parcellation (13
cortical regions)
NIH_cortex_vM_150um.nii.gz -- the MRI-based parcellation (54
cortical regions)
NIH_cortex_vH_150um.nii.gz -- the connectivity-based parcellation
(103 cortical regions)
NIH_cortex_vPaxinos_150um.nii.gz -- the Paxinos brain atlas
parcellation in NIH MRI template space
NIH_subcortical_beta_150um.nii.gz -- the subcortical ROIs, this is
a beta version.
NIH_mask_150um.nii.gz -- whole brain mask
NIH_mask_left_150um.nii.gz -- left brain mask
NIH_mask_right_150um.nii.gz -- right brain mask
Template_sym_xx.nii.gz -- Multi-modal MRI templates
(Template_sym_FADEC.nii.gz is color-coded image and can be viewed
by FSLView of the FSL and the mrview of Mrtrix3)
NIH_labels_cortex_and_subcortical.xlsx -- label file for the three
NIH atlases and Paxinos atlas parcellations
A digital 3D atlas of the marmoset brain based on multi-modal MRI
-- the pre-print manuscript about the atlas
Caret_surface_beta -- this is the beta version of Caret cortical
surface file in our template space
Results_On_The_Template_Space -- Studies that used the NIH Marmoset
Brain atlas V1. Result files are in the template space.
If you are an AFNI user, why bother to download the atlas from
here. AFNI has already integrated the whole atlas set (V1) (via
command @Install_NIH_Marmoset).
If you are learning AFNI and have questions about the atlas in the
AFNI, please feel free to contact me ( or Glen Daniel (
If you have questions about the NIH Marmoset Brain Atlas Project,
please contact Dr. Cirong Liu ( or Dr. Afonso Silva (
If you identified errors in the atlas or want to submit your
parcellation results to our atlas, please contact Dr. Cirong Liu (
Thanks for your supporting!