
Release Name: Brain Tutor 3D (for iPhone)

As the first release, the iPhone version of "BrainVoyager Brain Tutor" is now available in the AppStore containing all major features of the original desktop version. The iPhone "Brain Tutor 3D" program allows to:

1. manipulate (rotate, zoom, tranlate) cortex meshes (left or right hemisphere) and head mesh in real-time
2. slice in real-time through the head mesh using sagittal, axial or coronal slices
3. select information from four cortex partitioning schemes (atlases), including lobes, gyri, sulci and Brodmann areas.
4. visualize all regions of a partitioning scheme or to select a specific region, which is then visualized on the cortex meshes and on volume slices passing through the selected region
5. view text information about a selected region, including information about the location, function and connectivity of an area.

Read more at Rainer's BV Blog:

where also a link to a support page is available.
