The example data set contains
- one 4-D diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) volume: NODDI_DWI.hdr/img
- the corresponding brain region binary mask: brain_mask.hdr/img
- one region-of-interest (ROI) binary mask: roi_mask.hdr/img
- the corresponding NODDI protocol in FSL's bval/bvec format:
- the expected outputs in the subdirectory output (see below for
the detail)
The detail of the imaging parameters are described in the following
Advanced diffusion imaging sequences could aid
assessing patients with focal cortical dysplasia and epilepsy.
Epilepsy Research. 2014
May 14th, 2020
- Updated the files in the output folder to reflect the output from
the NODDI toolbox version 1.x onward.
May 10th, 2013
- First released on NITRC