* Images in "Atlas" folder are in MNI coordinates in 181x217x181
mm^3 * Images in "Atlas_182" folder in MNI coordinates in
182x218x182 mm^3 (compatible with FSL) * Image descriptions:
ArterialAtlasLabels.txt: the "lookup table". It contains the labels
(descriptive and acronyms) for the regions defined in
ArterialAtlas.nii and ArterialAtlas_level2.nii. ArterialAtlas.nii:
Image defining 30 arterial territories and ventricles. The
intensities of the parcels correspond to their labels IDs, listed
in the lookup table "ArterialAtlasLabels.txt
ArterialAtlas_level2.nii: The combination of ArterialAtlas.nii
parcels in 4 major territories (ACA, MCA, PCA, VB). The intensities
of the parcels correspond to their labels, listed in the
ArterialAtlasLabels.txt ProbArterialAtlas_average.nii: 4D image of
the arterial territory maps, calculated by averaging of lesion
masks. Each dimension represents the probability of a voxel to
belong to a certain vascular territory (ACA, MCA, PCA, VB,
respectively). ProbArterialAtlas_BMM.nii: 4D image of the arterial
territory maps, calculated by the Bernoulli Mixture Model(BMM)
method. Each dimension represents the probability of a voxel to
belong to a certain vascular territory (ACA, MCA, PCA, VB,
respectively). BorderZone_ProbAve.nii: 4D image showing the ratio
of average probability maps; first dimension is MCA / ACA, second
dimension is MCA / PCA. TerritoryVoxels_BMM.nii: 3D image showing
the assignment of voxels to major vascular territories, calculated
through the variation in BMM µmax. The image intensities are: 1.
ACA, 2. MCA, 3. PCA, 4. voxels attributed to more than one vascular
territory, 5. voxels not attributed to any vascular territory.