Release Name: 0.3.2
mri_reface Docker:
This Docker image replaces face and ear imagery in brain MRI/PET/CT
with an average face, to help prevent potential re-identification
By: Christopher G. Schwarz and Carl M. Prakaashana,
For details, please see this paper and cite it if you use it in
your work:
Christopher G. Schwarz, Walter K. Kremers, Heather J. Wiste,
Jeffrey L. Gunter, Prashanthi Vemuri, Anthony J. Spychalla, Kejal
Kantarci, Aaron P. Schultz, Reisa A. Sperling, David S. Knopman,
Ronald C. Petersen, Clifford R. Jack. Changing the face of
neuroimaging research: Comparing a new MRI de-facing technique with
popular alternatives. In: NeuroImage 231, 2021.
For PET/CT support: Christopher G. Schwarz, Walter K. Kremers, Val
J. Lowe, Marios Savvides, Jeffrey L. Gunter, Matthew L. Senjem,
Prashanthi Vemuri, Kejal Kantarci, David S. Knopman, Ronald C.
Petersen, Clifford R. Jack. Face recognition from research brain
PET: An unexpected PET problem. In: NeuroImage 258, 2022.
This software works only with Docker environment installed. First,
run ''''docker load < mri_reface_docker_image''''. You should
then run it through the included rather
than entering the Docker environment directly. The Docker image
includes all dependencies of mri_reface and does not require any
software be added to the user''''s system other than Docker.
mri_reface Docker allows Nifti (.nii) or DICOM inputs. If the user
provides a .nii file, mri_reface Docker will output a refaced .nii
file and before/after face renders. If the user provides a DICOM
directory as an input, in mri_reface Docker will convert the image
into .nii, reface the .nii image, convert the .nii image back to
DICOM (copying all unaffected tags from the original DICOM to the
new DICOM) and tag the DICOM files as being de-faced. The output
for DICOM input include the refaced .nii, before/after face
renders, and the refaced DICOM files. The direct-DICOM workflow is
NOT recommended for PET inputs, as it will not account for motion
across frames.
For .nii inputs, the input path should be to the .nii file itself.
For DICOM inputs, the input path should be to a directory, this
directory should contain ONLY the DICOM files for the image (a
single series).
This work was supported by: NIH grants R01 AG068206, U01 AG006786,
P50 AG016574, R01 AG034676, R37 AG011378, R01 AG041851, R01
NS097495, R01 AG056366, U01 NS100620; The GHR Foundation; The Elsie
and Marvin Dekelboum Family Foundation; The Alexander Family
Alzheimer''''s Disease Research Professorship of the Mayo Clinic;
The Liston Award; The Schuler Foundation; and The Mayo Foundation
for Medical Education and Research. We also gratefully acknowledge
the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of a Quadro
P6000 GPU used in generating 3D facial reconstructions for this
research. We also thank AVID Radiopharmaceuticals, Inc., for their
support in supplying Flortaucipir precursor, chemistry production
advice, and FDA regulatory cross-filing permission and
documentation needed for this work.
See LICENSE.txt for license restrictions
Copyright 2020-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and
Initial Docker release. mri_reface version 0.3.2