
Release Name: Sleuth 1.0


Sleuth is the new name for BrainMap Search&View

New Features:
    * Simplified "ROI Options" window replaces the "New ROI" and
      "Edit ROI" windows
    * ROI Coordinates can now be entered in either Talairach or MNI
      space (MNI coordinates are converted to Talairach space using the
      icbm2tal transform developed by Jack Lancaster)
    * Added "Show Manual...", "Show Read Me..." and "Show License..."
      to the Help menu. These options show the manual (in .pdf format),
      readme, and license files in your default web browser
    * "About" menu has been updated to include more information
    * Added Export of "Locations (Image)". This option allows you to
      create an image of your foci in NIfTI format. No blurring of the
      coordinates is performed.
    * Added "Short Description" to Brain Template in the workspace

Bug Fixes:
    * Can now open & save workspaces (of imported data) when logged out
    * PlotOptionDialog edits the correct location when sort order has
      been changed
    * Scrollbar's arrow buttons now update the Plot (see "Known Issues")
    * Changed Login Dialog so "Okay" is selected upon startup
    * Save dialog file filter names are now more descriptive