Authors: Clement Vachet, Elizabeth Bullit, Laurence Katz, Bonita Marks,
Bradley Davis, Martin Styner
Description: This atlas has been created using 26 healthy elderly cases (60+
years old). Not only is the T1-weighted image provided, but also
subcortical structures probability maps (amygdala, caudate,
hippocampus, pallidus, putamen), and a 26-lobe parcellation map.
Sponsor: This work is funded in part by:
- the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (NAMIC), a NIH
Roadmap for Medical Research, Grant U54 EB005149
- UNC Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center HD 03110.
- UNC's Biomedical Research Imaging Center seed grant (PI Dr.
Bonita L.Marks, "Role of Recreational Sport Participation on
Cerebral White Matter Integrity in Older Adults") and A&S
Interdisciplinary Initiative Grant
- UNC Casilab's grant NIH-NIBIB R01-EB000219
Some of the MR brain images from healthy volunteers used to create
this atlas were collected and made available by the CASILab (led by
Dr. Elizabeth Bullitt) at The University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill.
Institution: UNC Chapel Hill - Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratories