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May 28, 2018 OHBM Q&A with Ed Bullmore
By Claude Bajada Professor Ed Bullmore Professor Edward Bullmore has had careers in the clinic, academia and industry. He is the head of the department of Psychiatry at the University...
May 25, 2018 Q&A with Gustavo Deco:  OHBM 2018 Keynote Series
By Jean ChenDr. Wilder Penfield once said that “the brain holds within its humming mechanism secrets that will determine the future of the human race.” And yet, most of...
May 21, 2018 Mentorship Program: an ongoing initiative by the OHBM Student and Postdoc Special Interest Group
By AmanPreet Badhwar, Ayaka Ando, Natalia Bielczyk, Marzia Scelsi, Michele Veldsman “In order to be a mentor, and an effective one, one must care. You must care. You don’t...
May 17, 2018 OHBM2018 Keynote series: Q&A with Leah Somerville
By Nils Muhlert Prof Leah Somerville Professor Leah Somerville is an associate professor of psychology and director of the Affective Neuroscience and Development lab at Harvard...
May 11, 2018 April OHBM Open Science Demo Call
By Elizabeth DuPre and Kirstie WhitakerThis month we continued our Open Science Demo Call series by speaking to Ariel Rokem,  Dora Hermes, and Tammy Vanderwal about three initiatives...
May 10, 2018 Know Before You Go: 10 practical tips for OHBM 2018 in Singapore
By Valeria Kebets, Csaba Orban, Thomas Yeo on behalf of the OHBM 2018 Local Organizing Committee (LOC)As we’re swiftly approaching June, we thought we would follow-up our previous...
May 3, 2018 Human Brain Mapping in Iran: Talking to the Trainees
By Jean Chen As part of the OHBM International Outreach effort, we found about the experiences of Iranian trainees. Many of us in brain imaging have met and worked with Iranian trainees,...
BY THOMAS YEO, NICOLE KUEKProfessor Simon B. Eickhoff is the Director of the Institute for Systems Neuroscience at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf and the director of...
Apr 24, 2018 Registered Reports in Human Brain Imaging
GUEST POST BY CHRIS CHAMBERS Professor Chris Chambers, Cardiff University The biomedical sciences are facing a rising tide of concerns about transparency and reproducibility....
Apr 16, 2018 Diversity and Equitable Representation Among Leadership and Educational Roles within OHBM
BY THE OHBM DIVERSITY & GENDER COMMITTEE Since the first meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) over twenty years ago in Paris, the Organization has evolved...
Apr 12, 2018 Human Brain Mapping in Iran -- Talking to the Scientists
BY JEAN CHEN For some time now, intolerance at the political level has been propagated throughout the world. However, we as a scientific community subscribe to inclusivity from all...
Apr 12, 2018 Human Brain Mapping in Iran — Talking to the Scientists
BY JEAN CHEN For some time now, intolerance at the political level has been propagated throughout the world. However, we as a scientific community subscribe to inclusivity from all...
Apr 10, 2018 March OHBM Open Science Demo Call
By Elizabeth DuPre and Kirstie WhitakerThis month we continued our Open Science Demo Call series by speaking to Tim van Mourik Eleftherios Garyfallidis and Malin Sandström about...
Apr 3, 2018 The Language of OHBM is Universal
by Souad El-Bassam and Nikola StikovOHBM has members throughout the world. We used last year's meeting as an opportunity to interview some of them to find out about the international...
By Tian Ge, BT Thomas Yeo, Anderson M Winkler Permutation methods are a class of statistical tests that, under minimal assumptions, can provide exact control of false positives (i.e.,...
Mar 5, 2018 Q&A with OHBM Multi-Modal Imaging Task Force members
By AmanPreet Badhwar, Nils Muhlert & Jeanette Mumford At its best, multi-modal imaging offers rich insight into a many aspects of brain structure & function. At the same time,...
Feb 28, 2018 February OHBM Open Science Demo Call
By Elizabeth DuPre and Kirstie Whitaker​This month we continued our Open Science Demo Call series by speaking to Anisha Keshavan,  Yaroslav O. Halchenko, and Athina Tzovara...
Feb 26, 2018 A Paradox of the Injured Brain: Insights into Neurodegeneration and Creativity
by AmanPreet Badhwar​ "A brain scan may reveal the neural signs of anxiety, but a Kokoschka painting, or a Schiele self-portrait, reveals what an anxiety state really feels like....
Feb 19, 2018 Q&A with Mark Humphries
By David Mehler & Nils Muhlert Mark Humphries The OHBM is dedicated to understanding the anatomical and functional organization of the human brain using neuroimaging. But how to...
Feb 12, 2018 Introducing the OHBM Open Science Demo Calls
By Elizabeth DuPre and Kirstie WhitakerThe open neuroimaging community is great and growing every day. This month saw the first of a series of Open Science Demo Calls. Brought to you...
Feb 8, 2018 Q&A with Multi-Modal Imager Aina Puce
BY NILS MUHLERT​ Aina Puce Professor Aina Puce is the Eleanor Cox Riggs Professor in the department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University, Bloomington, and...
Jan 31, 2018 Open science: Sharing is caring, but is privacy theft?
BY DAVID MEHLER & KEVIN WEINER Open Science (OS) is a movement toward increased sharing among scientists of their data, their materials, their computer code, their papers, and...
Dec 22, 2017 2017 In Review
BY THE OHBM BLOG TEAMAs brain mappers start to log off their computers, comfortable in the knowledge that their OHBM 2018 abstract is finally submitted, we, at the OHBM Blog, offer...
Dec 19, 2017 Open science topic: NeuroDebian
By Agâh Karakuzu & Nikola Stikov Neuroimagers face an ocean of software tools that have the potential to make research transparent, sharable, and collaborative....
Dec 19, 2017 NeuroDebian
By Agâh Karakuzu & Nikola Stikov Neuroimagers face an ocean of software tools that have the potential to make research transparent, sharable, and collaborative....
Dec 6, 2017 OHBM Student Postdoc SIG Mentoring Programme: Q&A with Mentors and Mentees
BY MICHELE VELDSMAN AND SHRUTI VIJ Academia provides a unique set of challenges throughout one’s career. It is often highly competitive and uncertain. The evolution of science...
Nov 29, 2017 New OHBM Website- Check It Out!
By Panthea Heydari New OHBM Homepage This month OHBM launched its new website. This long-standing project dates back to 2014, when a membership-needs survey revealed that OHBM members...
Nov 21, 2017 OHBM 2018 in Singapore
By Csaba Orban, Valeria Kebets, Thomas Yeo on behalf of the OHBM 2018 Local Organizing Committee (LOC)​ Click on image to go to website As you may have heard,...
Nov 15, 2017 Q&A with David Van Essen: Winner of the 2017 OHBM Glass Brain Award
BY JEAN CHENDavid Van Essen is the winner of the prestigious 2017 Glass Brain Award from the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM). David is the Alumni Endowed Professor in...
Oct 30, 2017 OHBM Young Investigator 2017: Lucina Uddin
By Shruti VijTo advance human brain mapping we need to develop and identify novel facets of brain function, and understand how they are affected in clinical disorders. Like any other...
Oct 25, 2017 The Day I Boarded the OHBM Time Machine
​Q&A with Marsel MesulamBY AMANPREET BADHWAR Innovation doesn't come just from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect.”--Steven...
Oct 16, 2017 OHBM as a Society: Q&A with Bernard Mazoyer
Bernard Mazoyer By Nils MuhlertBernard Mazoyer, Professor of Radiology & Medical Imaging at Bordeaux University Hospital, has been at the forefront of the human brain mapping community...
Oct 9, 2017 OHBM Hackathon 2017: A First-Timer’s Perspective
by Agâh Karakuzu The 5th OHBM Hackathon was an official component of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the OHBM held in Vancouver, June 25-30th 2017, with support...
BY RUSSELL POLDRACK, 2018 OHBM EDUCATION CHAIR​The Educational Courses at OHBM are an essential part of the meeting for many attendees, and we are always looking for ways to...
Oct 2, 2017 OHBM 2017 Replication Award
Q&A with Wouter Boekel By Neuroskeptic & Chris GorgolewskiAt the 2016 OHBM Annual Meeting, a new ‘Replication Award’ was announced that aimed to promote and reward...
Sep 25, 2017 OHBM 2017: 'The Dream Catchers'
Interview with Nathalie Regard & Roberto Toro by AmanPreet Badhwar and Ekaterina Dobryakova“...I wander all night in my vision, Stepping with light feet, swiftly and noiselessly...
BY HUGH PEMBERTONThere are over 9.9 million new cases of dementia every year worldwide, whichthis equates to a new case every 3.2 seconds. The discovery of susceptibility loci for Alzheimer’s...
Sep 11, 2017 Q&A with Mark Cohen, Winner of the 2017 OHBM Education in Neuroimaging Award
BY JEAN CHENVideo interview conducted by Pamela Douglas and Martin LindquistMany working in or with MRI know about Mark Cohen’s contributions to neuroimaging. He played a...
Sep 6, 2017 OHBM 2017 Abstract Highlight: Deep Learning Reveals Brain Features associated with Preterm Birth and Perinatal Risk Factors
Q & A with Manuel Hinojosa-Rodriguez BY BRENDAN E. DEPUE Infants and children with a history of preterm birth (PB) and with perinatal risk factors (PRF) for brain injury may...
Aug 30, 2017 Q&A with Lara Boyd: Turbo-launching OHBM 2017 and future of translational stroke imaging
By David Mehler​The Local Organising Committee (LOC) at OHBM 2017 achieved a remarkable feat. With public health experts voicing concern about the spread of the Zika virus...
Aug 16, 2017 OHBM 2017 Abstract Highlight: Neuroplasticity Associated with Reduced Depressive Symptoms after Cognitive Training for TBI
Q&A with Dr Kihwan HanBY EKATERINA DOBRYAKOVA ​ Depression is a common psychiatric disorder amongst individuals with traumatic brain injury...
Q&A WITH HONG SEOK-JUN By Tzipi Horowitz-KrausThis interview series highlights abstracts from the OHBM meeting that were identified by the Program Committee as “potentially...
Aug 2, 2017 OHBM 2017 Highlights: the Inaugural Chinese Young Scholars Meeting
BY DENGFENG HUANGTravel makes you richer --- it lets you experience new landscapes, languages and ways of thinking. This philosophy sits well with OHBM. Our organisation promotes...
Jul 21, 2017 Q&A with Damien Fair: OHBM 2017 Keynote Series
BY SHRUTI GOPAL VIJ​"Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded." — Jess LairThis is not just a philosophy, but more a way of life. Extend this...
Jun 27, 2017 Q&A with Christian Ruff:  OHBM 2017 Keynote Series
BY JEAN CHEN The individual always realizes only one of the possibilities in its development, which could always have taken a different turning whenever...
Jun 23, 2017 #OHBM2017: Meet the Leadership - Alan Evans, Council Chair
BY NIKOLA STIKOVAlan Evans is a natural storyteller. He has been with the OHBM since its very beginning, and he has the stories to show for it. We spent a pleasant afternoon in his...
Jun 19, 2017 Q&A with Kia Nobre: OHBM 2017 Keynote Series
by NILS MUHLERTAt what point did you start preparing  to read this article? When you arrived at the webpage, when you read the link, or even earlier? Increasingly, evidence demonstrates...
Jun 3, 2017 The Interplay between Neuroscience and Art
BY AMANPREET BADHWAR & ESTRID JAKOBSEN (members of the Central Executive Committee of The Neuro Bureau and co-organizers of the 2017 OHBM Art Exhibition) Science and art...
May 25, 2017 Q&A with Kalanit Grill-Spector: OHBM 2017 Keynote Series
BY THOMAS YEOProfessor Kalanit Grill-Spector is the principal investigator of the Vision and Perception Neuroscience Lab at the Department of Psychology and the Stanford Neuroscience...
May 19, 2017 OHBM 2017: Student and Postdoc SIG announces Mentorship and Career Development Initiatives
BY SHRUTI GOPAL VIJHuman nature dictates that each and every one of us seeks guidance on life choices and trajectories. A key to this is mentorship. As scientists navigating the ever...
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