[Mrtrix-discussion] seed from text file

Luis Concha lconcha at unam.mx
Fri Apr 20 10:25:42 PDT 2012


I would like to seed from several very specific seeds that I normally pass
to the -seed option of streamtrack as x,y,z,radius. However, I must pass
them one by one, by several invocations of the command. Is there a way to
pass a text file for seeding, which could contain the coordinates? (I'm
thinking of a file with nRows=nSeeds, and 4 columns [x,y,z,radius]).

Also, I need to be able to keep a good order between the tracks and the
seeds, so I would expect the track indices to be the same as the rows in
the seed text file.

So far I have been using a for loop, making several track files, but I
imagine (and please correct me if I'm wrong) that the bottleneck for
processing speed is in the loading of the CSD file at each iteration.

Any suggestions are most welcome. Thanks.

Dr. Luis Concha Loyola
Instituto de Neurobiología
Laboratorio C-12
UNAM, Campus Juriquilla
Boulervard Juriquilla 3001
Juriquilla, Querétaro.
C.P. 76230
Tel (442) 2 38 10 53
Fax (442) 2 38 10 46
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