[Mrtrix-discussion] SV10 format

Félix C. Morency felix.morency at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 14:10:24 PDT 2012


I am trying to convert some DICOM files using mrconvert but have the
following error:

  mrconvert [DEBUG]: file "./IM000008" mapped at 0x7f3177e0f000, size
155050 (read-only)
  mrconvert: CSA data is not in SV10 format
  mrconvert [DEBUG]: unmapping file "./IM000008"
  mrconvert: error reading series 3 of DICOM image "Patient #4  [MR]
  mrconvert: error opening image "."
  mrconvert [INFO]: closing image "."...

I'm using MRtrix 0.2.10, glib 2.32.3, GSL 1.15

Does anyone knows why this happens?

Félix C. Morency, M.Sc.
Plateforme d’analyse et de visualisation d’images
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke
Centre de recherche clinique Étienne-Le Bel
Local Z5-3031 | 819.346.1110 ext 16634

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