[Mrtrix-discussion] csdeconv peaks

Peter Neher p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de
Tue Oct 23 01:12:28 PDT 2012

Hi Donald and Rob,

indeed didn't fix it but at least I have a better idea about how MRtrix 
handles these things. And I found a (ugly) workaround for my issue :)
Thank you!


On 10/22/2012 02:47 AM, Donald Tournier wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Sorry, just noticed you mention your images are LPS, in which case the 
> primary source of mismatch will probably be the data layout, as 
> suggested by Rob. The way this was handled for overlays in FSL was to 
> convert all of the images using mrconvert (from NIfTI straight back to 
> NIfTI), including the image that you're tryiing to overlay onto. This 
> will modify the sform/qform as I mentioned previously, and convert all 
> your data to RAS (as per the NIfTI standard, and MRtrix's internal 
> coordinate system). I have no idea whether this will fix all the 
> issues (unlikely), but worth a shot...
> Cheers,
> Donald.
> On 22 October 2012 11:37, Donald Tournier <d.tournier at brain.org.au 
> <mailto:d.tournier at brain.org.au>> wrote:
>     Hi Peter,
>     Further to Rob's response, the issue really is that in MRtrix, the
>     directions are stored be with respect to real/scanner coordinates
>     (technically, the RAS equivalent of the DICOM patient-centered
>     coordinate system), not the image axes as (I assume) they are in
>     FSL. The directions probably won't match unless the image
>     transform is identity - a straight non-oblique axial scan. To make
>     matters worse, as far as I know (someone correct me if I'm wrong),
>     FSL's coordinate system is LAS, whereas MRtrix is RAS, so even for
>     a straight axial scan the x-axis will probably be flipped.
>     And then on top of that, there is a good chance that the
>     sform/qform of the original NIfTI data corresponds to some other
>     orientation (sagittal / coronal), in which case Rob's comments
>     about the data layout would also be relevant. Note that MRtrix
>     currently writes out NIfTI images in a near-axial layout (the data
>     layout will always be +0,+1,+2,+3), regardless of the original
>     qform/sform of the original images, and will modify the transform
>     (or the new qform/sform for NIfTI) accordingly. You will only
>     notice a mismatch due to the data layout issue if trying to
>     overlay MRtrix-derived images/data onto your original NIfTI data
>     (in FSL only, MRtrix should handle this appropriately). There was
>     a discussion about the overlay in FSL issue a while back on this
>     mailing list.
>     Also, just to clarify: with MRtrix it's not possible to produce
>     NIfTI images with the volume contiguous in RAM (Rob's '-layout
>     +1,+2,+3,+0' suggestion), since this is not generally supported by
>     that format (technically that's not quite correct, it is possible
>     to specify the data type as being a vector, in which case this
>     particular scenario could be supported, but since arbitrary
>     strides (layout) are not supported under NIfTI, it's not a special
>     case that I thought was worth the trouble to implement).
>     Essentially, this is the inverse problem to that of using
>     bvals/bvecs files with MRtrix: you need to convert from scanner
>     coordinates to image coordinates to view the directions in FSL...
>     Not entirely sure this helps you, but at least you should have a
>     clearer understanding of why this is happening.
>     Cheers,
>     Donald.
>     On 21 October 2012 12:22, Robert Smith <r.smith at brain.org.au
>     <mailto:r.smith at brain.org.au>> wrote:
>         Peter
>         MRtrix is extremely flexible with regards to how the image
>         data are aligned in memory; if you run the mrinfo command on
>         your image and check the 'data layout' field, you'll most
>         likely see that the ordering of the data in memory in those
>         axes is reversed (i.e. has a '-' sign).
>         Unfortunately FSL doesn't always interpret this in the same
>         way as MRtrix does. There is also some ambiguity in the Nifti
>         file format regarding how the image transform should be
>         stored/interpreted.
>         In my experience, when using MRtrix and FSL in conjunction,
>         the safest option is to run the mrconvert command on your
>         image, with the following option: '-layout +0,+1,+2'. This
>         makes the data layout as unambiguous as possible.
>         In your case with a 4D image, I would try '-layout
>         +1,+2,+3,+0'; this makes the 4th dimension (the fibre
>         orientations) contiguous in memory, so reading the image data
>         for a single voxel is as fast as possible.
>         Hope this fixes your problem; if not let me know.
>         Rob
>         --
>         Robert Smith
>         PhD Candidate
>         The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
>         Melbourne Brain Centre - Austin Campus
>         245 Burgundy Street
>         Heidelberg Vic 3084
>         Ph: +61 3 9035 7128
>         Fax: +61 3 9035 7301
>         www.florey.edu.au <http://www.florey.edu.au>
>         On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 9:42 PM, Peter Neher
>         <p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de
>         <mailto:p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de>> wrote:
>             One more problem. If i apply the peak extraction to my
>             image file the output nifti peaks seem to have two
>             inverted dimensions. Do you internally change the image
>             geometry somehow? My image has a left-posterior-superior
>             orientation.
>             Best
>             Peter
>             On 10/18/2012 10:22 PM, Luis Concha wrote:
>>             Once you get your peaks image, you can use fslroi to
>>             extract each set of peaks. For example, if you found tree
>>             peaks per voxel, the 4th dimension of your file should
>>             have 9 elements (3 peaks, each with xyz components). So,
>>             to get the first peak, you would invoke:
>>             fslroi my_peaks.nii first_peak 0 3
>>             and to get the second largest peak:
>>             fslroi my_peaks.nii second_peak 2 3
>>             and finally the third:
>>             fslroi my_peaks.nii third_peak 6 3
>>             (I am sure you can substitute fslroi for mrcat for
>>             similar operations)
>>             You can visualize them as lines in fslview.
>>             Luis
>>             On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 3:11 PM, David Raffelt
>>             <d.raffelt at brain.org.au <mailto:d.raffelt at brain.org.au>>
>>             wrote:
>>                 Hi Peter,
>>                 I would suggest using more directions than SH
>>                 coefficients in your FOD image. Check out the
>>                 find_SH_peaks help for more information on how the
>>                 peaks are saved. What it does not mention though is
>>                 that the output peaks are ordered by size (largest
>>                 first). Sorry I'm not familiar with the FSL peak file
>>                 format, however I'm sure it would be fairly trial to
>>                 code a conversion tool up. A good place to start
>>                 would be dir2amp, since this code reads in the
>>                 directions file and loops over each peak.
>>                 Cheers,
>>                 Dave
>>                 On 19 October 2012 00:43, Peter Neher
>>                 <p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de
>>                 <mailto:p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de>> wrote:
>>                     Hi Dave,
>>                     seems to work fine. Do you have any
>>                     recommendation how many directions to generate
>>                     using gendir? And can you give me the exact
>>                     specification of the find_SH_peaks output image
>>                     so that I can read it somehow using my own code?
>>                     Or is there a conversion to the FSL peak file format?
>>                     Best,
>>                     Peter
>>                     On 10/18/2012 11:37 AM, David Raffelt wrote:
>>>                     Hi Peter,
>>>                     You can use the find_SH_peaks command. Note that
>>>                     you also have to supply a set of directions as
>>>                     input, which are used as seeds for the peak
>>>                     finding. You can generate these using the gendir
>>>                     command.
>>>                     Note that dir2amp can be used to convert these
>>>                     directions to peak amplitudes.
>>>                     Cheers,
>>>                     Dave
>>>                     On 18 October 2012 19:06, Peter Neher
>>>                     <p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de
>>>                     <mailto:p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de>> wrote:
>>>                         Hi all, I wondered if it is possible to
>>>                         directly output the fiber directions and not
>>>                         only the SH representation of the ODFs. If
>>>                         this is not possible, can anyone tell me how
>>>                         the SH file looks like so that I can read it
>>>                         and extract the peaks myself?
>>>                         Best
>>>                         Peter
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>>>                         Mrtrix-discussion mailing list
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>>>                     -- 
>>>                     *Dr David Raffelt*
>>>                     Post Doctoral Fellow
>>>                     The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental
>>>                     Health
>>>                     Melbourne Brain Centre - Austin Campus
>>>                     245 Burgundy Street
>>>                     Heidelberg Vic 3084
>>>                     Ph: +61 3 9035 7024
>>>                     www.florey.edu.au
>>                     -- 
>>                     Dipl.-Inform. Peter Neher
>>                     German Cancer Research Center
>>                     (DKFZ, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts)
>>                     Division of Medical and Biological Informatics
>>                     Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-69120 Heidelberg
>>                     Phone: 49-(0)6221-42-3552, Fax: 49-(0)6221-42-2345
>>                     E-Mail:p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de  <mailto:p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de>, Web:www.dkfz.de  <http://www.dkfz.de>
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>>                 -- 
>>                 *Dr David Raffelt*
>>                 Post Doctoral Fellow
>>                 The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
>>                 Melbourne Brain Centre - Austin Campus
>>                 245 Burgundy Street
>>                 Heidelberg Vic 3084
>>                 Ph: +61 3 9035 7024
>>                 www.florey.edu.au
>>                 _______________________________________________
>>                 Mrtrix-discussion mailing list
>>                 Mrtrix-discussion at www.nitrc.org
>>                 <mailto:Mrtrix-discussion at www.nitrc.org>
>>                 http://www.nitrc.org/mailman/listinfo/mrtrix-discussion
>             -- 
>             Dipl.-Inform. Peter Neher
>             German Cancer Research Center
>             (DKFZ, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts)
>             Division of Medical and Biological Informatics
>             Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-69120 Heidelberg
>             Phone: 49-(0)6221-42-3552, Fax: 49-(0)6221-42-2345
>             E-Mail:p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de  <mailto:p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de>, Web:www.dkfz.de  <http://www.dkfz.de>
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>             _______________________________________________
>             Mrtrix-discussion mailing list
>             Mrtrix-discussion at www.nitrc.org
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>         Mrtrix-discussion mailing list
>         Mrtrix-discussion at www.nitrc.org
>         <mailto:Mrtrix-discussion at www.nitrc.org>
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>     -- 
>     *Dr Jacques-Donald Tournier
>     *
>     Research Fellow
>     The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
>     Melbourne Brain Centre - Austin Campus
>     245 Burgundy Street
>     Heidelberg  Vic  3084
>     Ph:  +61 3 9035 7033
>     Fax:  +61 3 9035 7307
>     www.florey.edu.au <http://www.florey.edu.au>
> -- 
> *Dr Jacques-Donald Tournier
> *
> Research Fellow
> The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
> Melbourne Brain Centre - Austin Campus
> 245 Burgundy Street
> Heidelberg  Vic  3084
> Ph:  +61 3 9035 7033
> Fax:  +61 3 9035 7307
> www.florey.edu.au <http://www.florey.edu.au>

Dipl.-Inform. Peter Neher
German Cancer Research Center
(DKFZ, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts)
Division of Medical and Biological Informatics
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, D-69120 Heidelberg

Phone: 49-(0)6221-42-3552, Fax: 49-(0)6221-42-2345
E-Mail: p.neher at dkfz-heidelberg.de, Web: www.dkfz.de

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