[Mrtrix-discussion] Spatial info and image orientation

Alessandro Calamuneri alecalamuneri at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 08:57:20 PST 2014

Hi all,
I have a question about image spatial orientation.
First of all, when looking at mrinfo output, what does multiplier into data
scaling mean?
Here the main question.
I have two images, an fa calculated using tensor2fa, and another image
coming from the same dataset but obtained from a different package. When
looking at spatial infos, I find transformation matrices are the same,
whereas data layout is +0 +1 +2 for fa and -0 +1 +2 for the other one.
Despite of that, when I overlap them into mrview they are not flipped.
Should not they be flipped considering last info?Or does mrview consider
something different for image displaying?
On the other way around, if I try to use fslorient and fslswapdim to get
the same orientation, I find that image properties become the same, whereas
volumes are flipped into mrview.
How is it possible?

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