ABCD-ReproNim Course

The ABCD-ReproNim Course provides training for reproducible analyses of the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study® data.

The ABCD Study is the largest long-term study of brain development and child health in the US. The ABCD-ReproNim Course was designed to provide a comprehensive background to #ABCD while delivering hands-on instruction on reproducible @ReproNim workflows and outcomes. Our 13-week Online Course starts Oct 16, 2020 and Project Week is scheduled for March 8-12, 2021. Participants may join as Observer or Enrolled students. There are no registration fees and, the course will be fully virtual and include both synchronous and asynchronous activities. All materials will be open and accessible.

Students will receive instruction on reproducible data analyses endorsed by ReproNim, a Center for Reproducible Neuroimaging Computation.

Timeline -
Syllabus -


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
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